Greetings folks, I'd like to ask you to forgive me if you think this piece is lengthy, but I have to get this off my chest because we have a very very longstanding problem in society. I said with SOCIETY, not with one particular group, class, or race of people. You see it and you hear it all the time. What is this problem??
People judging people. This has got to stop. I'm a very humble and cordial guy, but because of this problem, I am very particular about who I let into my very close inner circle. I will not disclose any names or identities, but this problem really struck a nerve in me once I began my business. For instance, if you take a look at the photos for my clothing line scrolling to your right, you will see a variation of looks and styles. This is what I love about fashion, fashion is about being Y-O-U and expressing Y-O-U, not somebody E-L-S-E. There's no right or wrong in fashion and the arts. I've had several people say to me, "you shouldn't have the girl in your photos with the red hair?" as well as some other things that I won't divulge in because people's ignorance I refuse to dwell on or entertain. I also know someone that told a woman she should stop meeting men in Wal-mart because that's not a place where you find a quality man. The analogy used was, "if you want quality fruit, you don't go shopping at Wal-mart, you go shopping at Whole Foods." Next, there is a group that I was invited to join whose mission is to bring back charm, style, & chivalry (the marks of a gentleman) in men. Apparently, according to this group, a man's being a gentleman starts with his attire.
Here is my response to this problem. Why not have the WOMAN in my photos with the red hair? Does her red hair make her inhuman? Or is it that, you're so high-strung on yourself (for whatever reason) that just because you wouldn't wear red hair, it is wrong to wear red hair or whatever other color? I know why I chose her to be a model/promoter of my clothing brand and that's all that matters. I chose her because I saw GREATNESS in her. God blessed her with a GIFT that many of you wish you had, and I immediately recognized it the first time I saw her work. As for finding a "quality" man in Wal-mart, in retrospect when I thought about this, I'm thinking to myself..."I shop in Wal-mart, so are you saying I'm not a quality man??" As for this "gentleman" group, one of the points in their mission is, "We will reject the impulse to rock athletic or Hip/Hop gear." Who in the HELL said, not dressing in athletic or "Hip/Hop" clothing means you're not a gentleman. Anyone that knows me, knows I am very versatile when it comes to my style. I can dress up very well and I can dress down very well (one of many gifts God gave me). Does this mean, I am not a gentleman because of what I have on?? Now, don't get me wrong; I'm not a fan of my pants hanging under my backside and you will never see me dressed that way, but I dress for my mood. Very humbly speaking, I am a damn great dresser, and I can give you a run for your money in that category AND in any particular style.
I think its funny (and a disgrace at the same time) of how judgmental people are. Who the HELL sprinkled magic dust on you and told you the way that you choose to live, dress, act, etc. makes you the "model citizen". How do you know, the way you live, dress, or whatever else you do is not correct? It seems as though there are people in the world that are so educated and because they've achieved a FEW things in their life they think they have "arrived". NO! You haven't "arrived" until you've help others "arrive" with you. There is a such thing as an 'Educated Fool' you know. Get off of your high horse and stop staring down your nose at people. Inspire and encourage someone else to be the best THEM they can be and not the best YOU they can be. God created us as individuals not copies and your judgmental ways are absolutely blasphemous in my opinion. People need to learn how to respect the individuality of others and stop trying to make it seem as though conformity is the way to live. Lets be real, so if this woman with red hair or this guy that isn't "dressed" like a "gentleman" (whatever the hell that means), were to pass out in the middle of the street, you would walk your bourgeois, ostentatious behind right by them?? I know that may seem extreme, but there are people in the world that would do that, and I'm just asking a question. Some people need to check themselves (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, etc.). If, to each is own (as so many people so loosely use this phrase), then why is your mouth open in utterance of judgment. Who the HELL died and named you God?? I absolutely love and admire people that don't give a damn what folk think about them.
We all were wired with GREATNESS in us. Which is why I believe in my heart that everyone can Achieve GREATNESS (and I will go to my grave helping as many people as possible achieve it). GREATNESS is not racist. It is not prejudiced. It is not judgemental, and it does not deal in the act of showing favoritism. GREATNESS is however, a mentality. It is attainable. It is humble. It is giving. GREATNESS is patient, it is kind. GREATNESS does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. GREATNESS is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. GREATNESS does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. GREATNESS always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. GREATNESS never fails. Hence, GREATNESS is 1 Corinthians 13...LOVE. GREATNESS has no one particular face.
Anybody reading this post and knows me well. If I have ever at some point in our knowing each other made you feel as though I have judged you for what you choose to do with your life, I am asking you to forgive me. Seriously, judging folks is not cool.
I encourage your responses to and sharing of this post with others.
Much love and continued success to everyone,
CJ 'Mr. BCE' Nelldell
Identify Yourself with GREATNESS™