BCE...A Fashion Line for the Bold, Confident, & Excellent. Identify Yourself with GREATNESS™

BCE...A Fashion Line for the Bold, Confident, & Excellent.  Identify Yourself with GREATNESS™
Photo Courtesy of Jason M Rene

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Congrats to KKPsi's Maurice Thompson & the NCCU Marching Sound Machine

It comes with great humility and joy to present this congratulatory message to you.   During the 2011 Honda Battle of the Bands (HBOTB) festivities in Atlanta, GA, the BCE clothing brand (http://www.bceapparel.com/) had the pleasure to be present and in the midst of a crowd of very distinguished, elite, and exciting group of people at the 4th annual Atlanta Alumni Association of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma Bowl and Stroll.  As some may already know, music education was one of the inspirations behind the creation of the BCE brand (for more about BCE's vision/history visit http://pridestyleswagger.blogspot.com/2011/02/bce-is-fashion-line-for-bold-confident.html), and many of you reading this know that music education is usually hard-hit financially in the American education system when the very unattractive term "budget-cuts" rears its ugly head.  We at BCE seek to help alleviate the impact of these budget-cuts on music education.  While enjoying the HBOTB festivities, persons that made a purchase from BCE were entered into a raffle where they could potentially win a pot of money that was already pre-funded by BCE and funded additionally by each purchase made at the Bowl and Stroll.  The winner of the raffle would receive one-half of the pot and the other half would be donated to a school music program of the winners choice.  It comes with great joy to announce the winner --- Maurice Thompson and his music program choice the North Carolina Central University Marching Sound Machine (http://www.nccu.edu/).  Maurice is a political science cum laude graduate of North Carolina Central University, a former member of the Marching Sound Machine, and a brother of KKPsi (Zeta Sigma Fall '07).  He can be found on twitter @PoliPsi_BandGuy.  Thank you to everyone for their continued support, embrace, and patronage of this rising clothing brand.  As we grow, everyone and everything associated/affiliated with us grows (especially music education). 

"In all things you do, always be sure to Identify Yourself with GREATNESS™" ~Mr. BCE

Join the BCE clothing brand on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=99120142269, Mr. BCE on Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/Mr_BCE, and shop BCE at http://www.bceapparel.com/.

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Excerpts of Pride, Style, and Swagger by CJ "Frank" Nelldell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.