BCE...A Fashion Line for the Bold, Confident, & Excellent. Identify Yourself with GREATNESS™

BCE...A Fashion Line for the Bold, Confident, & Excellent.  Identify Yourself with GREATNESS™
Photo Courtesy of Jason M Rene

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Winning and Losing (Losers Can Be Winners Too)

There's this innate desire in all of us to win.  It burns violently in our souls, bringing out a fight in many they never knew they had.  And then there's losing.  Many people run through life ducking and hiding trying to avoid it.  We hate the feeling of losing at anything.  The thought of losing strikes this paralyzing fear in the hearts of men.  I believe I've been blessed with one of the greatest minds on earth, but I too become afraid sometimes and paralyzed by the thought of losing; and then it hit me...you can lose and win at the same time.  Most people lose without giving themselves a chance to win.  They've lost the battle in their minds before they threw the first punch.  Even before your father's sperm came into contact with your mother's egg, you were equipped with everything you need to win.  Its up to you to realize it.  Pursue whatever it is you're pursuing with a violent passion to win, and if you happen to lose, remember, your dignity wasn't lost because you fought.

"If you win you've won, and if you lose you've still won --- as long as that violent burn to win predicated the loss.  A loss without a fight brings emotional pain and discouragement.  A loss with a fight brings a desire to swing again." ~CJ 'Mr. BCE' Nelldell

In the name of GREATNESS,
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Excerpts of Pride, Style, and Swagger by CJ "Frank" Nelldell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.